Monday, September 29, 2008

Well, school life is in high gear! I think I wrote (no kidding) fifteen checks to the school last week. Between pictures, field trips, fundraisers, tuition, etc, I could probably just get it all payroll deducted but I would end up owing them anyway!!

Since I last blogged, I went to NYC with my mom and 6 other friends. It was awesome! Terrific, too fun for words - did I mention awesome? In 4 short days, I saw 2 Broadway musicals, ate 7 yum-o meals, drank ??? martinis, took 4 bus tours, walked 1 gagillion miles, got 2 blisters, saw Kenny Loggins and Kevin Bacon, danced on national TV (Dancing With the Stars will be calling ANY day!), ate 2 pieces of cheesecake, got a D&G purse (very legitimately- in case any agents are reading this), got to see my BESTEST NYC and HS school bud(and you know who you are!) and made friends with 1 NYC policeman and 15 or so of FDNY's finest....

The last event took place after a fire alarm at 6:59 on Sunday am which resulted in a 37 floor romp in my pjs. (I will add pics when I figure it all out....)

Quite an adventure....... It took me a week and a half to get my "self" back in gear.

But back to reality....
One of my brilliant friends came up with a new idea that is working for us and maybe you could benefit from it too! She suggested that we start a "homework co-op". For 2 days a week, she picks up my 4th grader to do homework with her 4th grader and I take them the other 2 days. Oh joy! This is wonderful! 2 free days without hw!!!! AND he doesn't whine as much about doing it when his friend is around. It may be the best idea EVER! Thank you Maggie!!!

Well I must go and do domestic chores.... LE SIGH!

If anyone is actually reading this, please drop me a note. I have a feeling this is my own private therapy.... (which Stuart Smalley assures me is.....ok.....)


Weather or Not.....Here We Learn said...

No Elissa, I read your blog! I can not wait to see your pics from NYC! What musicals did you get toi see???
Talk to you later!

Elissa said...

We saw Young Frankenstein and Mary Poppins. Both were awesome!